Thursday, September 20, 2007

Blog 259: Are you wearing Black today?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Please support the Jena 6. If you do not know what is going on in Jena, LA.. you must be living under a rock. The blatant racism in this small Southern town is in fact, embarrassing - for any civilized human being living in the US today. I have not spoken out on this before, but I hope this story brings light to all of those that disbelieve that racism like this still exists in 2007.

~*~ Sinn ~*~

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blog 260: Important! Fetish at Nite - TONIGHT!!!

If you love watching Fetish at Nite or if you haven't had a chance to catch the show yet, be sure to catch the show TONIGHT! This will be our LAST LIVE SHOW as well as our LAST 2 HOUR SHOW! This does not mean we are going off the air... what it does mean is after tonight, we, and the entire Primetime Uncensored Family of Shows will be going on a one month hiatus, for the entire month of October. The station is revamping the studio with sets and such and will be changing the format to pre-recorded, 1 hour shows. So be sure to log on tonight at 7PM PST to catch our last LIVE 2 hour event!!

Tonight's guests include:

John, the Owner of Dungeon Corp along with Michael Mayhem and slave Monica from Dungeon Corp. We also have Mistress Natali Demore and the gorgeous porn star Eve Mayfair talking about her pending return to the industry and her recent indulgence in the fetish industry and scene.

Be sure to join Orpheous and myself and check out our brand new format for the show! Don't worry, I will make sure to remember the phone number for the show while on air so you can call in and tell us how much you're going to miss us while we are off the air! ;-)

Fetish at Nite is Live tonight from 7pm-9pm PST only at Primetime Uncensored

Love to you all,

And don't fret, I know I owe you a video blog update or 2... I promise, I will get it done shortly. :)
